
How to uninstall armored warfare
How to uninstall armored warfare

how to uninstall armored warfare

Also USSR had the most numbers in terms of genocide of all the countries involved in WW II, most of that genocide beings against ITS OWN PEOPLE. The soviets hated jews even more than Hitler himself. And as a plus, nobody had more genocicde against jews than good ol’ USSR but i guess “history” doesn’t want you to remember that. Yeah sure in official numbers, we were killing jews by the thousands because we had to look the part for germany, since they were HELPING US RECLAIM BASARABIA WHICH WAS STOLEN BY THE RUSSIANS IN THE FIRST PLACE after WW I, but in reality ol’ Maresalul Antonescu was shipping them off in trains out of Romania, which lead to the actual sparing of thousands. Romania committed massive genocide against GYPSIES not jews.

How to uninstall armored warfare